Welcome to Zing website!
We are so excited to finally open our website.
An opening is never complete without thanking the folks that made this possible.
Huge thanks to Kyle for his support, ongoing patience and incredible skill in developing the website.
Thanks to Michelle and her love of food photography & her love of Zing’s food.
Of course, endless thanks to Danielle, our fermentation queen! She gives our patrons access to delicious kim chi.
Thank you to Alicia who’s endless enthusiasm for Zing’s recipe development plus her keen proof-reading skills.
Big hug and thanks to William who gave Zing its name & saw the vision for this little food service
Of course, the biggest thanks go to our patrons and clients who make a conscious choice to choose Zing’s plant-based foods.
Thank you for thinking about the food you eat.
Lorie & Kevin
PS. Check out the NEW Canada Food Guide! Hmmm what have I been saying? Eat more veggies 😊